Empowering perseverant, self-directed and successful learners through innovative, evidence-informed practice, in an inclusive and collaborative, future focused learning environment.
About our school
Miranda Public School celebrates inclusion and diversity in our community with approximately 260 - 280 students. We are proud of our:
- Welcoming atmosphere, nurturing the whole child and fostering positive relationships within our school and wider community.
- A relentless focus on wellbeing, creating and nurturing a supportive environment to enable students to achieve their very best, develop a love of learning and build strong friendships.
- Initiatives to enable all students to experience a broad education and develop leadership, responsibility, accountability, problem solving, adaptability, and social-emotional skills.
- Dynamic and dedicated team of early career and experienced teachers who adopt a collaborative approach to implementing high quality, evidence informed practices to continually improve teaching and learning for our students.
- Future focused learning environment, ensuring all our students become perseverant, independent and successful learners.
The school has a special education unit with one support class for moderate intellectual disabilities (SCIO) and two Autism support classes (SCAu).
Many of our students are from language backgrounds other than English from 58 different backgrounds. We celebarte our students who have an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background.
'For the Good of All' and "Where Learning Comes to Life" are the school's mottos, and every student is known, valued and cared for.
Our school provides extracurricular programs including SRC, dance, music, choir, sport, public speaking, debating and film making, with our school being the original 'Film By' school.
Over the next four years, our school aims to strengthen our teaching practice through inquiry based collaboration, focusing on effective feedback and formative assessment to improve literacy and numeracy outcomes for our students. The school will maintain continued monitoring of all school data to ensure a relentless focus on improving student performance and wellbeing.
The school is centrally located in Miranda on the western side of Westfields Miranda in Sylva Avenue, alongside the Miranda Public Library and the council pre-school and day care.
A Brief History
Established in 1893, the first building was a rented room in what is now Miranda Park, opposite Sylva Avenue.
By 1955, the school had a population of 1500, as it was one of the few schools in the Sutherland Shire. There were sites at the corner of The Kingsway and Kiora Roads (boys), and an infants site and girls school sites on the corners of the Kingsway and Sylva Avenue.
Miranda Fair (where Service NSW is located) is situated on the original school site, which closed in 1965.
Miranda Public School