General enquiries
address 3 Sylva Avenue
Miranda NSW 2228telephone 02 9524 4631
Opportunity classes cater for high potential and gifted Year 5 and Year 6 students.
The opportunity class (OC) at Miranda Public School provides a stimulating learning environment in which high potential and gifted students learn alongside others of similar ability to be creative and critical thinkers. They develop positive relationships and are encouraged to excel in all aspects of academic, social, sporting and artistic endeavour.
Learning in the OC at Miranda Public School
Our priority is ensuring a smooth transition for all students.
"Getting to know you" activities are planned to foster friendships and help every student feel comfortable and welcome in their new environment.
The OC program emphasises the development of organisational and independent learning skills. A strong focus is placed on work rate and task commitment, with time management being a key aspect to prepare students for future studies.
Our Stage 3 "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) laptop program ensures students have independent access to learning both at school and at home, rapidly developing the skills needed for a smooth transition to high school.
The two-year OC program includes a rich variety of excursions, incursions, and special programs that are closely linked to the curriculum and advanced units of work.
Students are offered a position in the opportunity class (OC) for two years. Fifteen (15) new students are accepted each year, with fifteen (15) students continuing in Year 6 (30 students).
Stage 3 curriculum requirements are taught before extending and enriching the students' learning with curriculum compaction and differentiated subject matter. This ensures that the ‘basics' are covered, while still providing opportunities to challenge students more appropriately and explore interesting concepts in greater depth.
Students in the Miranda Public School OC continue to be a part of the wider school community, being involved in Stage 3 sport and other extra-curricular pursuits, such as dance, choir, debating and public speaking, as well as whole school events.
How do I know if my child has high potential or is gifted?
HPG children tend to:
If you observe your child demonstrating some of these characteristics please consider applying.
Information about opportunity classes and selective high school applications, selection procedures and test dates can be found at:
Selective Education Unit website
Applying for an opportunity class: student resource hub
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